Episode 008 - Exercise and weight loss...

"What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do"


We all know we need to do it. There are more gyms than ever before and more workout plans and programs than ever before.

In-fact, there's so much that it can be confusing.

You've decided that it's your time and you're going to change your life.

But what's the best form of exercise for weight loss?

Should I be doing long-distance runs? What about high-intensity interval training? Weights? Walking?

In this episode of the show we break it down and give you the facts - how to classify the different forms of exercise and what has been proven to be most effective when it comes to weight loss.

We give our own personal insight into our training programs as well as what we do with our own clients and their amazing transformations!

We welcome all feedback on what you'd like us to talk about, thoughts on how we can improve or even questions you'd like us to answer in an episode!
podcast@theweightlosspodcast.com is where you can reach us, we can't wait to hear from you!

Killer Resources!

1. ALL New Podcast Merch Store -If you care to show your appreciation for this and the 100+ episodes we’ve done so far and want to keep the show ad-free, you can help us out by buying some sweet new podcast swag! Hoodies, tees...aprons?! 

2. Cardio that burns 3 times more fat - Our best client results! Be inspired.

3. Courtney - 12 week program (333kb) - One of Courtney's 12-week programs that she executed during her bikini photoshoot preparation. The first thing we did was set the days to perform FIRE (focused, intense resistance exercise), then we set the ICE (intense cardio exercise) sessions and finally we added the LIA (low-intense activity) days. This structure was incredibly effective for Courtney as it gradually increased in volume through the program peaking in the final weeks before having time off to recover!

4. Effective weight training for weight loss - a fantastic read on rapid weight-loss vs slow and steady!

5. How to deal with the mental hurdles that keep you from losing weight - Free E-Book

6. The Transformation Project -This is our exclusive, premium life-changing online transformation program, allowing us to work with our amazing clients anywhere in the world. Looking to have support, guidance and accountability from experts who have walked the same path as you? Click here  and contact us to register your interest!! 

7. The Wall of Fame Looking for some inspiration? Look no further than some of the people we've worked with!

8. The Weight Loss Podcast Facebook Page - Our private Facebook community, the ultimate support network! Join our group to be inspired, motivated and supported all the way...and hang out with us!

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