"There's so much information out there, I'm confused and don't know where to start!"
"I've done a lot of diets that tell me what to do, but I can't sustain it!"
"I know I need to plan and prepare, but I don't know how"
"I've got no routine and structure! How can I get on track?"
"What should I eat???"
In this introductory 12-week education program, we will teach you how to achieve real results using the same science-based, research-proven body transformation system that has seen us change our lives, as well as the lives of countless others just like you.
Each week we will teach you new concepts to implement, so you can build
up your routine and habits week-by-week with us! You will also have
regular Action Tasks to complete to keep you accountable.
Each week for 12 weeks you will be given new concepts to learn and implement via The Weight Loss Podcast iOS and Android app, while also being required to submit your homework in the Classroom Facebook Group for extra accountability, as well as support and to build your confidence from taking action.
You will be guided by us through each phase of the program. You will learn how to implement the systems for success and develop a plan to suit your needs perfectly in every way.
Get the knowledge, skills and tools - solutions to the situations you face each day.
Here's a sample of what you will learn in The Classroom:
12 week education program