Welcome to Season 7!

It's that time of the season again!

We wrap up our first season of 2022 by answering your questions...

1. What are your thoughts on meal delivery services like Hello Fresh (meals only) or Hungryroot (meals plus groceries)?

2. I work evening shifts with call and sometimes I only get a few hours of sleep a night. Would it better to skip a workout the next day or do a workout even if I can’t give it my all being so tired?

3. I’d like some information about weight loss during and leading up to menopause. I’ve read that leading up to and during menopause, the body hold onto fat cells, as they contain oestrogen. Is that correct and are there are any tips for weight loss during this time?

4. You’ve mentioned it’s beneficial to have a break between training programs. Does this just relate to weight training or does It include cardio?

5. Sometimes I feel nauseated during weight training sessions. What is the best way to avoid this? Is it a question of not enough food (or the right kind of food)? Not enough water? I try to make sure on top of those things, but sometimes I still feel sick.

6. You talk about not weighing yourself, that it doesn’t matter if your making real change you will see it. I agree but why bot get on the scales 2-3 times per week to measure progress. Can you expand on this?

7. What are your thoughts on incorporating a fat burner and creatine into a daily routine? I have recently started adding weight training into my routine and both of these were recommended to me. Do you think adding supplements like these make a difference?

8. How do you overcome temptations for snacking between meals?

9. I know I need to to change one thing at a time and I started with cutting down how much I eat fast food. I made a plan to limit the amount each month. How do I know when I am ready to move on to another goal? My all or nothing mentality wants to speed things up but I’m trying to break the cycle!

10. What is something I can focus on in terms of my next nutritional goal? For example increased vegetables or making sure all meals are a balanced meal? I’m not sure how to measure progress.

podcast@theweightlosspodcast.com is where you can reach us and we'd love to hear from you!


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3. "Why overweight people fail at weight loss" - Our free webinar that covers the 3 key mistakes people make with their weight loss attempts...and how to avoid them

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Krystine's Story

I want to be a role model for my son, I want to stop living by those diets that don't work and figure out how to eat properly so I feel and look good all the time

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