Season 11 - The biggest red flags of shit programs

They're out there, and they're waiting for you.

The next shit program that you're going to waste precious time, money and energy on.

Maybe it's one you haven't done before. Maybe it's one you have done before (and it "worked" for you even though you still aren't where you want to be).

In this episode of the show we give you the major red flags to look for with any shit program - and there are a LOT of them out there.

If your next, or current, program exhibits any of these red flags it's time to put them in the bin! is where you can reach us and we'd love to hear from you!


1. The Weight Loss Podcast Academy – If you need personalised support from Matt and Courtney themselves, as well as accountability, structure and direction, then get all the details on our Transformation Academy Program here. This is our full 1-2 year coaching program. We accept clients via application only.

2. The Weight Loss Podcast Classroom – In this introductory 12-week education program, we will teach you how to achieve real results using the same science-based, research-proven body transformation system that has seen us change our lives, as well as the lives of countless others just like you.

3. The Weight Loss Podcast Facebook Group - Our private Facebook community, the ultimate support network! Join our group to be inspired, motivated and supported all the way...and hang out with us!

4. "Why overweight people fail at weight loss" - Our free webinar that covers the 3 key mistakes people make with their weight loss attempts...and how to avoid them

5. Free 6-Day Weight Loss Course – Our free video series designed to give you valuable tools to help overcome the common obstacles that we face during long-term weight loss attempts. Give us 10-15 minutes of your time each day and we'll give you loads of science-based information that will change the way you look at permanent, successful weight loss.

6. The Wall of Fame - Looking for some inspiration? Look no further than some of the people we've worked with!

7. How to overcome the mental hurdles that keep you from losing weight – Courtney's first Ebook, all about the mental and emotional issues we face along the way, and what you can do to overcome them.

8. 10 signs you're about to lose weight – Courtney's second Ebook. Ever get frustrated as it seems like you just aren't changing? In this book you will learn to recognise the signs that you ARE changing, even if you can't see them in the mirror.

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Madyson's Story

I want to be put my health and wellness first. I was in school for 8 years, where I neglected my health because I was so focused on my academics. I turned to food when I was stressed and like most college student would party. I have done the yo-yo diets for years, I’ve seen results, but that restriction does does not fit into my long term goal. I’m choosing to put health first and I want to think of this as a lifestyle not another diet. I also want to understand the “why” factor behind what it takes to live a healthy lifestyle. I think that component has been missing from the diets I’ve tried in the past. By putting myself first, I want to learn to love myself inside and out. I’ve had a love-hate relationship with my body. I’m tired of falling short when it comes to losing weight.

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