
Why your self-worth shouldn't be attached to a set of scales

Courtney Ley

For so many women their biggest obsession is to lose the most amount of weight in the shortest period of time.

That is how they gauge success and self-worth. It’s determined by a number on the scales.

The weight loss industry further reinforces it by ramming down our throats how we can lose 10kg in a week, just in time for summer!

This is the normal thing, right?

NO IT’S NOT! If anything I think this just adds to the levels of stress, anxiety and decreasing self-worth of women.

You want to know what the most important thing to me is?


Somewhere in our obsession we lose sight of this. We get caught up with the weight, how many kilos lost or how many inches down.

We forget about how we feel and how we feel about ourselves.

We all automatically equate getting as small as possible, as quickly as possible with success. In fact, society basically drums this in to us.

The biggest lesson I’ve learnt is to be able to see through this deception.

To be able to look at myself with clothes on or off and have confidence. Not because I’m the smallest, but because I love myself and I’m proud of what I’ve achieved.

I train hard and I have a positive relationship with food. I’m strong, fit and healthy. I work hard, but I don’t deprive myself.

Whether you’ve hit your goal or you’re still on your way, remember this – goals are individual. Your self-worth is not wrapped up in the amount of weight you can lose. Confidence doesn’t just come to you if you lose it the quickest. I’ve seen plenty of people lose a pile of numbers on the scales and still not be happy.

Yet the one thing that seems to be in shortest supply with people wanting to change, wanting to improve themselves? Self-confidence. The belief that they can do anything they set their mind to. The confidence to wear the clothes they want because it makes them happy and makes them feel good.

The biggest and best changes I’ve seen in my life with women have not been an epic amount of kilos dropped, or a huge number of centimeters shed from their waist.

The greatest changes I’ve seen have occurred with how a woman perceives and values herself. How she carries herself with confidence and improved self-worth.

I’ll use myself as an example – I’ve changed a lot over the last few years. I dropped a net value of 15kg, I dropped 4 clothes sizes. I even dropped my old career to become a PT.

I worked with Hannah through to her bikini photo-shoot; if you are confident enough to wear a bikini in public, how much you weigh really doesn't matter!

I’ll use myself as an example – I’ve changed a lot over the last few years. I dropped a net value of 15kg, I dropped 4 clothes sizes. I even dropped my old career to become a PT.

But the best thing of all? It’s not what I lost, it’s what I gained. I’ve gained confidence and belief in myself. To me those are priceless and trump any number the scales tell you you’ve lost :)

Speak soon


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